Open in Stirling every 4th Sunday of the month.
Toorbunna Ben Lomond Robert Habel
Arkaroola Unnamed Hill Robert Habel
Lochiel Salt Flats Robert Habel
Ceramic Neutra Vases Ebony Heidenreich
Ceramics Kerryn Levy
Ceramics Connie Augoustinos
Various artists
Damon Moon
Open 8:30am - 5:30pm Monday - Friday until Thursday the 28th of June 2018.
Presented by Worth Gallery and Fisher Jeffries.
View invitation
Fisher Jeffries Foyer Space
Level 1
19 Gouger Street
South Australia 5000
08 8233 0600
Please contact Worth Gallery if you would like more information or images from this exhibition.
Worth Gallery
M: 0431 187 558
T: 08 8339 6747