Open in Stirling every 4th Sunday of the month.
Artwork by Jim Thalassoudis
Artwork by Tegan Empson
Artwork by Sophie Hann
Artwork by Dianne Gall
Artwork by Chris Boha
Artwork by Jim Thalassoudis
Artwork by Jim Thalassoudis
Artwork by Jim Thalassoudis
Saturday 6th August 22 - 6:00 - 12:00
Speeches at 6.30pm sharp
Live Music by The 6ft Pelicans
The Coffee Pot
Level 1, 27 Rundle Mall
Corner of James Place and Rundle Mall
RSVP to by August 1st.
Muzafar Ali, Chris Boha, Thom Buchanan, Christina Cuthill, Philip David, Tegan Empson, Alex Frayne, Dianne Gall, Janette Gay, James Geue, Robert Habel, Sophie Hann, Rosie Hannam, Monika Morgenstern, Larissa Rogacheva, Jim Thalassoudis, Libby Wells, Ben Hur Winter, Thomas Yeend.
Please contact Worth Gallery if you would like more information or images from this exhibition.
Worth Gallery
M: 0431 187 558